Relyence User Guide
Built-in FRACAS Calculations

Built-in FRACAS Calculations

Relyence FRACAS has built-in calculations to compute field-based failure, repair, and availability related metrics. FRACAS-based metrics are not a requirement for your FRACAS process. 

The Calculate FRACAS dialog displayed when you select Calculate from the Sidebar menu, shows the available FRACAS calculations.

Time Log information is required in order to perform Relyence FRACAS failure and repair related calculations. For more information about Time Logs, see the Using FRACAS Time Logs topic in this section.


Failure Rate and MTBF

Incidents and Time Logs are used to compute Failure Rate and MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures).

The Failure Rate and MTBF values are the computed actual field metrics of your system based on the number of Incidents (failures) over the time period based on your Time Log information. The Failure Rate is expressed in units based on the Failure Rate Units specified in Settings. MTBF is the Mean Time Between Failures in hours. 

Trend Score

Incidents and Time Logs are used to compute Trend Score.

The Trend Score is a value that indicates if your system is improving or degrading. A Trend Score of zero indicates your incident reports are constant over time, a negative Trend Score indicates your system is experiencing a decreasing incident report trend (improving), and a positive Trend Score indicates that your system is experiencing an increasing incident report trend (degrading). When displayed, the Trend Score values are color-coded for easier interpretation: green is an improving trend; red is a degrading trend.


Relyence FRACAS enables you to define your own formulas using your FRACAS data. For example, you may want to compute the total cost associated with repairs, or the number of days to from incident report to close out. For more information, please see the Creating Your Own FRACAS Formulas topic.

MTTR, MTTF, and Availability

Incidents and repair times are used to compute MTTR (Mean Time to Repair). Incidents, repair times, and Time Logs are used to compute MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) and Availability.

To perform Repair Metrics, select the data field that is used for entering repair times. The dropdown list includes all the numeric fields available from your Incident Tables and Forms. Also select the units you are using when entering repair times. Select from Minutes, Hours, or Days. For accurate repair metrics, all your repair time data must be entered in the same units.

MTTR is computed based on the number of incidents (failures) reported and the repair times associated with them. Any incidents without are repair time entered are ignored when computing MTTR.

MTTF and Availability metrics are computed based on MTBF and MTTR values.

Incident Filtering

The Incident Filtering section enables you to select which particular Incidents to include when performing FRACAS calculations.

Which Incidents should be included in the calculation?

To include all Incidents, select All Incidents. Otherwise, select from the list of checkbox (yes/no) fields available in your FRACAS Tables and Forms. For example, using the supplied Drone Example, you can select from Chargeable, Closed, Relevant, Repairable, or Tagged Incidents. 

Which field is used to determine the Incident date?

You can select from any of the Date fields used in your FRACAS Tables and Forms as the Incident date to use when performing FRACAS calculations. For example, using the supplied Drone Example, you can select from Create Date, Date Closed, or Date Occurred.

Incidents from which time range should be included in the calculation?

You can select only Incidents from a specified time range to include when performing FRACAS calculations based.

To include all Incidents regardless of date, select All Incidents.

To include only Incidents on or after a certain date, select Incidents that occurred on or after and enter the date.

To include only Incidents from a previous time range, select Incidents from the previous and enter the number of Days, Months, or Years to include.


The Repair settings are required only if you have performing repair related metrics such as MTTR, MTTF, or Availability.

Which field is used to enter repair times?

Select the numeric data field from your FRACAS Tables and Forms that is used to enter repair time.

What units are used for repair time data?

Select the appropriate time unit you are using to enter repair time data: Minutes, Hours, or Days.