Relyence User Guide
Managing Large FRACAS Data Sets

Managing Large FRACAS Data Sets

Over time, the number of Incidents and Problems in your FRACAS can grow substantially. It becomes important to find ways to organize and manage your FRACAS data for efficiency. One way to accomplish this is by the judicious use of Relyence's filtering capabilities. Use filters to pare down the total list of Incidents or Problems to those you are interested in. To learn more about Relyence's filtering capabilities, review the Filtering FRACAS Data topic. 

If the number of Incidents or Problems becomes large, the Relyence FRACAS Incident Table and Problem Table will display a paging control to allow you to page through your data in a manageable way. The paging control appears in the lower right corner of the Incident and/or Problem Table. The total number of Incidents or Problems appears in the lower left corner.

Clicking the arrows on the page control take you to the first page, the previous page, the next page, and the last page respectively. You can set the number of Incidents and Problems on a page by clicking the Page Size control in the lower right and selecting your preferred page size of 50, 100, 250, or 500.