Using Telcordia Methods
Relyence Reliability Prediction allows you to use the Telcordia Methods to adjust failure rate calculations based on laboratory or field device, unit, or system data. Telcordia supports three calculation methods: Method I-D Black Box, which includes no laboratory or field data; Method II-D, which includes laboratory test data; and Method III-D, which includes field data. With Relyence Reliability Prediction, you can use these methods across all calculation models.
To select the Telcordia Method, click on the top-level system in your Analysis Tree, or on any subsystem for which you want to select a Method, and then click the Properties button in the upper right of the Analysis Tree pane toolbar to view the subsystem form.
In the Method Data section of the subsystem form, you can select the Method you choose.
If you select Method II-D Laboratory Data, the Enter Laboratory Data at field will appear. Select from Unit level only, Device level only, or Unit and Device levels depending upon what type of laboratory test data you have.
If you select Unit level only or Unit and Device levels, the Unit has Laboratory Data checkbox will appear. Select this checkbox to display the fields to enter your laboratory data, including Unit Burn-in Data if applicable.
If you select Method III-D Field Data, the Enter Field Data at and Unit is identical to field unit fields will appear. Select from Unit level only, Device level only, or Unit and Device levels for Enter Field Data at depending upon what type of field data you have. Also indicate if the field unit is identical and enter the appropriate environments if the units differ.
If you select Unit level only or Unit and Device levels, the Unit has Field Data checkbox will appear. Select this checkbox to display the fields to enter your field data.
If you have indicated that you have Device level information, these same method data parameters will appear on part forms for you to enter part (device) level data as appropriate.