Relyence User Guide
Using FRACAS Subtables

Using FRACAS Subtables

You can add Subtables to your FRACAS Forms. Subtables enable you to put a small table of data on your Forms to capture a list of information.

Subtables can be used for any purpose, such as documenting team members who attended a meeting, a list of steps taken, a list of parts replaced, or any other type of data you want to enter on a FRACAS Incident or Problem.

You can create as many Subtables as you want. You can reuse Subtables across FRACAS Forms.

Creating FRACAS Subtables

To add a Subtable to a FRACAS Form, you must first define the Subtable configuration.

To create a new Subtable, click Configure>Subtables from the Sidebar menu when Relyence FRACAS is active.

The Configure Subtables dialog appears. If the Subtables list is empty, the Click here to add a new subtable pop up message appears as a helpful indicator to the Add (+) icon . Click Got it! to dismiss the message.

The small icons at the top of the Subtable list allow you to Add (+), Edit (pencil), Delete (-), and Duplicate (copy) Subtables.

To add a new Subtable, click the + (Add) icon. The Add Subtable dialog appears.

Enter the Name for your new Subtable and click OK.

Subtable Names must be unique. The Subtable Name will appear as the title of your Subtable on your FRACAS Form.

The Configure Subtables dialog consists of two parts: the Subtables list and the Fields table. The Subtables list on the left displays the names of all your Subtables. The Fields table on the right displays the configuration of the Subtable selected in the Subtables list.

To add fields to your Subtable, click the dropdown arrow in the Field column in the Fields table. Click <Add New Field> to add a new field.

The Edit Field dialog appears.

Enter the Field Name for the new field. The Field Name of the field will be used as the column header in the Subtable when displayed on the FRACAS Form.

Select the type of data from the Control Type dropdown list:

Attachment: Allows uploading of document as attachments.

Checkbox: An on/off indicator field, designated with a check mark.

Date: A date field.

List: A dropdown choice list field. When selected, you can select an existing List Name, or enter a new List Name. For more details on creating Lists, see the Customizing FRACAS Lists topic. An example of a List field:

Number: A numeric field. You can specify the precision for number fields in the Fields table.

Team Member: A dropdown list of choices of your team members.

Text: A text field to allow enter of any text-based data.

Once you have entered the field, you specify the following additional information in the Fields table:

Read-only: Select Read-only if you want this field to be non-editable.

Width: The Width of the column in the Subtable when shown on the FRACAS Form. You can modify the widths of the Subtable columns directly on the FRACAS Form to adjust as needed by dragging the column header separators to the desired widths. The updated width will be automatically updated and saved for you.

Group Title: If you want to group multiple columns under a parent heading, enter the Group Title for each the columns you want grouped together. The Group Title will appear as the parent heading and the Field names will appear as subheadings.

Precision: Enter the Precision desired for number fields.

Tooltip: If you would like a Tooltip for a column, enter the text. The tooltip appears when you hover over the column heading.

Use the icons in the upper right of the Fields table allow you to Edit (pencil), Move Up or Move Down (arrows), and Delete (minus) items in the Fields table.

When you have completed defining your Subtables, click Save to save your Subtables configuration information. You can click Save at any time during the configuration process to save your work.

When you have finished defining your Subtables and have saved all your work, click Close to close the Configure Subtables dialog.

Adding Subtables to FRACAS Forms

Once you have defined and configured your Subtables, the next step is to place the Subtable on your FRACAS Form. To add a Subtable on a FRACAS Form, you use the Customize feature. Complete details about customizing FRACAS Forms can be found in the Customizing the FRACAS Interface topic. For this topic, we will cover only the steps needed in order to add Subtables to FRACAS Forms.

Make sure that Relyence FRACAS is active by clicking FRACAS in the Sidebar if needed. If you want to add a Subtable to an Incident Form, make sure Incidents is selected in the Sidebar. If you want to add a Subtable to a Problem Form, make sure Problems is selected in the Sidebar.

Make sure the Incident or Problem Form view is active. If the Incident or Problem Table is shown, click the To Form button on the upper right of the toolbar to display the Incident or Problem Form.

On the Incident or Problem Form, click the Customize button in the upper right of the toolbar.

The Customizing Incident Form or Customize Problem Form appears.

If there is more than one Form tab on the left, select the Form you want to add your Subtable to by clicking the appropriate tab.

Go the the empty row at the end of the Field column and click the dropdown list arrow. Any Subtables you have defined appear in the Field dropdown list. Select the Subtable you want to add.

The Subtable will be added to the Field list. You can also set the following additional information:

Read-only: Select if you want the Subtable to be non-editable.

Rows: The number of rows indicates the height of the Subtable as it appears on the FRACAS Form. The default is 5.

Column: Select whether you want the Subtable to appear on the Right or Left side of the FRACAS Form.

Use the Move Up and Move Down icons in the Fields section of the toolbar to place your Subtable on the Form where you want it. 

When you have completed, click Save and Close to save your changes and return to the FRACAS Form. 

Your Subtable appears on the FRACAS Form to be used during data entry.