Relyence User Guide


Relyence Weibull provides a framework for you to manage and perform Weibull, or Life Data, analysis. Weibull analysis is used on a wide variety of life data, such as design an development data, test data, or field data, in order to predict failure trends and analyze system behavior. Relyence Weibull also provides the framework for you to manage and perform Reliability Growth Analysis (RGA).

For a quick start, follow through the Getting Started with Relyence Weibull topic. For general information on performing Weibull analyses, review Introduction to Weibull . For a review of the core feature of Relyence Weibull, review the Relyence Weibull Basics topic. When you are comfortable with the basics of Relyence Weibull and want to explore the more advanced capabilities, refer to Relyence Weibull Advanced Features.