Relyence User Guide
Event Libraries for SAE FTA

Event Libraries for SAE FTA

Event Libraries in Relyence Fault Tree enable you to store singular events for repeated usage in your SAE Fault Tree Analyses.

Events stored in an Event Library can be Basic, House, or Undeveloped events. For each event in the Event Library, you can store its Properties. Once an Event is stored in the Event Library, it can be used in any SAE Fault Tree Analysis.

You can update the Event Library as needed and then push those changes out to all your Analyses that use the Library events. Data Pushes are controlled by you, and you can also set permissions as to who can update Libraries and perform Pushes.

Opening an Event Library

To open the Event Library, click Libraries in the Sidebar and select Event

Note that if you have more than one Event Library, the Event option will expand to show them and simply click the one you want to open.

The Event Library displays the Event Table pane on the left with a list of all events included in the Event Library and the Properties pane on the right with the properties of the selected event.

Notice that the background when you are in your Event Library is yellow to make it easy to distinguish from your fault tree in your Analysis, which has a blue background. 

Setting Fault Tree Properties in an Event Library

To set Fault Tree Properties in any Event Library, click Properties from the Sidebar menu when the Event Library is open.

The Fault Tree Properties dialog appears.

For details on how to customize the Fault Tree Properties settings in the Event Library, see the Event Library Properties for SAE FTA topic.

Click Save or Cancel.

Adding Events Directly to an Event Library

To insert an event, from the toolbar, click the dropdown arrow next to Insert Event. You will see the list of all possible event types. To insert a Basic event, for example, click Basic. The new event will be automatically inserted in the Event Table. Note that as you use the Insert Event function in the Event Library, the image on the toolbar will change to whatever event type you last inserted. This allows you to just click the Insert Event button to make entering the same event type easier.

n the Event Properties pane, enter details including Name, Description, Input Model, and Probability.

Click Save to save the changes for the new event. 

Click Back to Analysis in the Sidebar menu to return to your Analysis.

Building up the Event Library from your Fault Tree

The most common method of building up your Event Library is adding information from a completed fault tree analysis to it. 

To add Fault Tree event data to an Event Library, select the event you wish to add, and click Add to Event Library from the Library toolbar button drop down. 

If you have more than one Event Library, the Event Library dialog appears, which allows you to select the preferred Event Library. Once selected, click OK.

Otherwise, the Add to Event Library dialog appears.

Click Yes to add the event to the Event Library.

If the Event is linked to a Prediction Subsystem / Part or FMEA data via the Link to Reliability Prediction field or Link to FMEA link in the Properties, the Add to Event Library dialog appears and indicates "A gate / event has links to another module. If you add it to the Library, the links will be removed. Are you sure you want to continue?" Click Yes to add the event to the Event Library.

The Add to Event Library dialog appears once the data in the Event Library has been updated.

Click Close to dismiss the confirmation dialog.

Upon opening the Event Library from the Sidebar as shown above, the selected event will have been added to the Event Library for use in any SAE fault tree analysis.

In the Analysis, note in the Properties window that the icon indicates the event is linked to the event in the Event Library, the Unlink option is available and you can click Go to Event Library as another way to access the Event Library.

The steps above explain how to add a single event to an Event Library from within an Analysis. Note that you can also build a new Event Library to store all events from the Analysis by using the Build Library option from the Libraries menu in the Sidebar. Building an Event Library with the events from your Analysis is explained in the Building an Event Library from an SAE FTA Analysis topic of this guide.

Using the Event Library when performing SAE Fault Tree Analysis

The power of the Event Library becomes apparent when you utilize it when performing your SAE fault tree analysis. As you are working on your SAE fault tree analysis, you can search the Event Library using the built-in search capabilities to locate events and event data stored in it and pull that data into your current SAE fault tree analysis. As your Event Library grows, the effort required to build your SAE Fault Trees is significantly reduced.

To search the Event Library while in your SAE Fault Tree, select any gate where you wish to add a new event, in the toolbar click the dropdown arrow next to Insert Event and click From Library to search the Event Library.

The Search Events dialog appears.

You can perform an Event Library search using Name and/or Description.

In the Search Events dialog, enter in a portion of the text, or the full text, in the Name and/or Description fields. Click the Search button to start the Event Library search. The list of matches will appear in the table. The search results table includes other information: other related event data, the usage count (the number of times the particular event is used in your fault trees), and which Event Library the match is from.

As needed, use the Options link to establish your preferred sorting option.

Use the Sort By options to select your preferred sort order:

  • Usage Count - sorts based on the count of number of times the library item is use across Analyses
  • Name - sorts alphabetically based on the library item Name

Select the item or items you wish to insert into your fault tree by selecting the Insert checkbox.

Click Insert as Copy if you want to insert the selected event as a new event which is not linked to the original event in the Event Library.

Or, click Insert as Link if you want to insert the selected event as a new event linked to the original event in the Event Library.

Click Close to close the Search Events dialog and return to the fault tree in the Analysis.

Upon review of the Properties of the newly added event from the Library, you will see it is noted as linked with the icon next to the Name. From the Properties, you can click Go to Event Library to go and review the event in the event Library, if needed. Click Unlink to remove the link between the event in the Analysis and the stored event in the Event Library; once unlinked, any updates made to the event in the Event Library will not be applied to the event in the Analysis when updates are pushed.

Pushing out Event Library updates

Another powerful feature of Event Libraries is in keeping all your fault tree event data tied to the Event Library in sync. For example, you may have an event in the Event Library that is used in multiple places in one fault tree and even in multiple fault trees. If the Probability data, for example, changes for that Event, you can change the Probability value data once in the Event Library and use the Event Library Push feature to propagate that change to all uses of the Event in the fault trees.

You manage the Push function, so you are in control of how and when the updates are made to your fault tree Events. For example, you may want to let your teammates know about a data push prior to initiating. Or, you may want to only push the changes at certain times, perhaps weekly or monthly.

To perform a push, open the Event Library and make necessary changes to any Events and click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.

Next, click Push from the toolbar.

If there are no changes to be pushed, the dialog will indicate this. In this case, click the Close button to close the dialog.

Otherwise, the Push Library Changes dialog appears.

The dialog will display a list of all the Analyses, Revisions, and Libraries that will be updated. Review the list and select or deselect the Analyses, Revisions, and Fault Tree Libraries which should be updated by the Push. When you want to proceed and complete the Push, click Yes, otherwise click No to return to the library.

All updates to your Fault Tree Events tied to Event Library information will automatically be made. 

Once the Push is complete, the Push Library Changes dialog appears. and then you can review where changes were made in any Analysis, Revision and Event Library. 

When you have completed reviewing, click Close to close the dialog.

Click Back to Analysis in the Sidebar menu to return to your Analysis.

Viewing data ties to Event Libraries

You can view usage of Event Library data at any time by opening the Event Library, selecting an event, and clicking View Usage from the Library toolbar button drop down list.

The Library Usage dialog appears with the list of Analyses and Fault Tree Libraries where the Events from this Event Library are used.

Click Close when finished viewing.

Creating Multiple Event Libraries

Relyence will create and maintain a single Event Library for you. You can rename this Event Library, or create additional Event Libraries using the Manage Analyses function which appears in the Account Management dropdown menu in the upper right of the Header Bar.

For more details, see the Using the Manage Analyses Function topic of this guide.

New Event Libraries can also be created from the View All dialog; for more details, see the Using the View All Function topic of this guide.