If you are a Relyence customer in one of the many industries that rely on our software and services, thank you. We greatly appreciate your support and we are proud to have you as a member of the ever-growing Relyence family. We are committed to your success, whether you are a small consulting shop or are part of a large multi-national corporation.
If you are considering becoming a Relyence customer, we’d like to encourage you to talk with us to better understand why Relyence is the “go to” company supplying powerful software and services in industries where high reliability and continual quality improvement are of utmost importance.

Because of the highly safety conscious and critical nature of their business, aerospace companies must keep reliability and quality at a high level at all times. In some cases, R&M (Reliability and Maintainability) activities are driven by external compliance-based requirements, in other cases they are internally driven. Whether meeting your compliance needs, or meeting your own internal corporate quality measures, Relyence tools are there to meet the critical demands of our aerospace clients.
The Relyence solutions for the aerospace sector include: Relyence FMEA/FMECA, Relyence FRACAS, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence RBD, Relyence RCM, Relyence Maintainability Prediction, Relyence Weibull, and Relyence ALT.
We demand a great deal from our vehicles – subjecting them to many environmental and heavy-use stresses, and expecting them to perform throughout a long life. Witnessing automotive-related failures that are top news stories demonstrates why the automotive industry must capably and consistently keep reliability, risk, and safety at the top of their agenda.
Technological advances in the automotive industry have been occurring at a rapid rate and include features such as adaptive cruise control, lane warning systems, traction control, energy efficiency, hybrid engines and electric motors, driver assist mechanisms, and self-driving vehicles (to name just a few). These require a high level of analysis and process control to ensure reliability and safety standards that are not just regulatory requirements, but are paramount to maintaining company reputation and customer satisfaction.
The automotive industry has been at the center of the development of key quality process control and other reliability related standards over the years. Automotive clients and suppliers are familiar with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standards, ISO standards, as well as many others adapted for their use in the design, development, and manufacturing of automobiles.
The Relyence solutions for the automotive sector include: Relyence FMEA, Relyence CAPA/FRACAS, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence Maintainability Prediction, Relyence RCM, Relyence RBD, Relyence Weibull, and Relyence ALT.

All companies recognize the cost of poor quality (COPQ) and the results of poor reputation and poor business performance that will ultimately result. In many cases, corporations employ reliability and/or quality engineers to help drive reliability and quality objectives. In other cases, the activities are handled as part of design engineering.
Relyence provides you with tools you need to analyze your product, process, or service to meet reliability, risk, and safety objectives – allowing you to make optimal decisions based on quantifiable criteria.
Relyence offers these tools to help to achieve your reliability and quality goals: Relyence CAPA/FRACAS, Relyence FMEA, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence Weibull, Relyence ALT, and Relyence RBD.
Consumer Products
The consumer product sector is unique in several ways. It encompasses a broad range of products – from TV and appliances to toys and wearable gadgets. These products are tightly embedded in our daily lives and surround us. Also, the rate of technological innovation and growth in this area is incredible – for example our appliances talk to us and keep track of our purchases. And the consumer product sector has a distinctively close relationship to its customer base. Consumers have the ability to read multiple product reviews right at the time of purchase and can post reviews and offer product ratings. Additionally, it is easier than ever before for consumers to engage directly with product manufacturers online and through social media.
One important element of this challenging landscape is that consumer product manufacturers must be focused on product quality and reliability. While price will always be a factor, product reliability is a vital part of the purchasing decisions consumers make daily.
Relyence provides the analysis tools needed for consumer product manufacturers to produce reliable, safe, and high-quality products. From the design stage through distribution to customer use, Relyence offers tools that keep your organization focused on reliability throughout the product lifecycle. Our tools supporting reliability needs for the consumer product industry include: Relyence FMEA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, and Relyence Weibull.

Products built in the defense industry have a clear need for reliability driven goals and strict adherence to reliability and maintainability (RAM) standards due to the critical nature of their operation, and the catastrophic consequences of failures of any kind. Defense systems are mission critical, meaning they must have a high level of reliability and availability. The needs of the defense industry filter down to all defense suppliers and vendors – who are oftentimes required to meet compliance standards and measurable metrics as part of their contractual requirement.
Relyence applications are built and designed to handle the demanding needs of customers in the defense industry. The Relyence solutions for the defense sector include: Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence RBD, Relyence RCM, Relyence FMEA/FMECA, Relyence FRACAS, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Maintainability Prediction, Relyence Weibull, and Relyence ALT.
For professionals in the healthcare industry, having the ability to provide the highest quality care for their patients is of the utmost importance. Healthcare professionals consistently work to minimize patient risk and maximize patient safety as a crucial aspect of care.
Reliability and quality focused software tools enable healthcare professionals to analyze specific products, systems, and processes in order to detect failures, errors, and issues that could compromise the quality of healthcare services — and, as a result, put patients’ lives in danger. That’s why the Relyence tools, including Relyence FMEA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, and Relyence Fault Tree, are integral in the effective and safe functioning of forward-thinking healthcare organizations.

Product manufacturing combines an advanced array of technological components along with knowledgeable personnel to operate, support, and maintain production line equipment. Manufacturers recognize the importance of availability as downtime in production leads directly to work stoppage and loss of revenue. Additionally, reliability is a key component for manufacturing success – if the resulting product is not reliable upon delivery, the business is negatively impacted. Lastly, it is critical that safety, both of line operators and the products themselves, remains a top priority as well.
The Relyence toolset can be a key part of reliability objectives in the manufacturing field with the following analysis modules: Relyence FMEA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, Relyence Fault Tree (FTA), Relyence RBD, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence Weibull, Relyence ALT, Relyence Maintability Prediction, and Relyence RCM.
The medical sector includes those in the medical field, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies. This segment is unique because of their direct human intervention and contact, and also due to strict governmental regulations that are a fundamental part of the industry. The medical industry has to comply with FDA regulations and requirements in the US, as well as the regulations and compliance directives of other countries. In addition to these compliance requirements, the medical industry is concerned with liability issues, overall risk reduction, the elimination of human error, and tight process and procedural controls.
The Relyence toolset can be a key part of reliability objectives in the medical field with the following analysis modules: Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence FMEA/FMECA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence RBD, and Relyence Weibull.

Oil & Gas
Many issues make the Oil & Gas industry unique, and its key characteristics explain why reliability measures are of critical importance. Equipment is put under high stresses, extreme environments, and must achieve high availability metrics. Downtime, delays, and interruptions must be minimized. Tracking and control mechanisms are key parts of maintaining reliability goals.
Relyence tools that are useful in the Oil and Gas industry include: Relyence FMEA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence Maintainability Prediction, Relyence RCM, Relyence RBD, Relyence Weibull, and Relyence ALT.
The telecom industry faces many challenges in keeping networks operational, consumers happy, and systems functioning at peak capacity. Reliability and the cost of poor quality (COPQ) in the telecom sector are significant, as service disruptions can be increasingly problematic. Telecom clients use a number of analysis techniques to help meet and exceed reliability objectives.
Relyence tools used in the telecom industry include: Relyence FMEA, Relyence FRACAS/CAPA, Relyence Fault Tree, Relyence Reliability Prediction, Relyence RBD, Relyence RCM, Relyence Maintainability Prediction, Relyence Weibull, and Relyence ALT.