All of the Relyence products are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly so that training is not required. However, formal training can be valuable for large organizations in particular to help jump start a new initiate, disseminate knowledge of best practices and their usage in the software, and enforce corporate guidelines. That’s why we created Relyence Academy. Relyence Academy offers several options in order to help you achieve success from free on-line videos, to comprehensive webinar or on-site hands-on training to get your team up and running quickly and efficiently.

Free Online Videos
Our ever-expanding and continually-updated set of online training videos are available for free and unlimited use. These short 5-10 minute videos are designed to provide bite-size chunks in order to get you quickly up and running or to provide more details on specific aspects of our tools. Feel free to progress through the videos sequentially or jump to particular subjects where you would like more details. Watch them as often as you like! Click here to access our online video library.
Webinar Training
If you prefer an instructor-led training course, Relyence Academy offers online webinar-based training classes. These half-day sessions for each of our products cover the basics, provide a review of product capabilities, and offer time for Q&A. Class scheduling is flexible, and can be arranged to fit your needs. Please speak to your salesperson for pricing and to schedule these classes. Classes available:
- FMEA101. Introduction to Relyence FMEA Webinar
- FRACAS101. Introduction to Relyence FRACAS Webinar
- FT101. Introduction to Relyence Fault Tree Webinar
- PRED101. Introduction to Relyence Reliability Prediction Webinar
- RBD101. Introduction to Relyence RBD Webinar
- RCM101. Introduction to Relyence RCM Webinar
- MAINT101. Introduction to Relyence Maintainability Prediction Webinar
- WEIBULL101. Introduction to Relyence Weibull Webinar
- ALT101. Introduction to Relyence ALT Webinar

Training at Your Location
Relyence Academy offers live in-person training at your facility. These day-long courses on each of our products provide an overview of capabilities, feature details with examples, and hands-on exercises. In-house training is often delivered as part of an implementation engagement with Relyence Professional Services. Please speak to your salesperson for pricing and any specific requirements. Classes available are:
- FMEA201. Getting Started with Relyence FMEA
- FRACAS201. Getting Started with Relyence FRACAS
- FT201. Getting Started with Relyence Fault Tree
- PRED201. Getting Started with Relyence Reliability Prediction
- RBD201. Getting Started with Relyence RBD
- RCM201. Getting Started with Relyence RCM
- MAINT201. Getting Started with Relyence Maintainability Prediction
- WEIBULL201. Getting Started with Relyence Weibull
- ALT201. Getting Started with Relyence ALT