Relyence Reliability Prediction includes a component library containing hundreds of thousands of parts from known manufacturers. The library allows you to quickly and automatically pull in the appropriate component parameter data for quick prediction analyses. You can augment this built-in library by creating and adding components to your own parts library. In addition, you can take advantage of Relyence’s innovative Intelligent Part Mappingtm feature to extract part data. The more you use the system, the more intelligent it gets!

Relyence Parts Library
Relyence Reliability Prediction comes supplied with an extensive database of component data from a wide variety of device manufacturers. With hundreds of thousands of components, the Relyence Reliability Prediction Parts Library is a go-to source for part parameter information needed for your reliability predictions. The built-in Relyence Parts Library is continually and consistently updated, so our library is ever-growing. Plus, we take requests from customers and add to our database those devices that our customers find most helpful for their designs.
Custom Parts Library
Augmenting the supplied Relyence Parts Library with your own custom library is easily accomplished. You can open “My Parts Library” at any time to access the complete reliability prediction data forms for entering in your part numbers and associated data parameters. Relyence Reliability Prediction automatically prompts for the appropriate data parameters based on the standards you are using. Alternatively, you can use the Library Update feature to automatically update your custom library from a prediction analysis. Over time you can build up your custom library to provide an extensive database of component information specific to your designs for quick and efficient reliability predictions.

NPRD and EPRD Libraries
Relyence Reliability Prediction has built-in support for both the NPRD (Non-electronic Parts Reliability Data) and EPRD (Electronic Parts Reliability Data) databases. NPRD and EPRD include failure data on a wide array of devices over a range of operating conditions. Using the Relyence Search Parts feature you can easily filter through all the available components and view the failure profiles. Once you locate a matching device, one-click adds it to your reliability prediction analysis. Utilizing the NPRD and EPRD library of components greatly expands the range of devices you can model in your analyses, and results in more complete and accurate reliability assessments.
Searching Parts Libraries
The Relyence Reliability Prediction Library Search Parts feature enables you to review parts across all libraries with an intuitive, functional interface. The Search Parts feature allows you to filter your search based on various criteria to zone in on the parts that match what you are looking for. You can search by Part Number, Description, component Category, Subcategory, and Type. You can designate whether to search for Part Numbers or Descriptions that start with specific text, or contain specific text anywhere in the data. You can combine these filters in any combination you prefer. Once the search completes, you can review all matching components and select those you want to add to your prediction analysis. The Search Parts feature is a handy go-to tool that you can rely on to streamline data entry tasks in your Reliability Prediction analyses.
Part Number Look Up
Relyence Reliability Prediction makes your life easy. As you enter a Part Number in your Parts Table, the component parts libraries are searched on-the-fly for part number matches. As you continue to type the part number, the list is continually refined to the matching component part numbers. Once entered into the Parts Table, the data parameters are automatically retrieved and entered for you. If needed, you can update any of the retrieved data to match your current design.
Intelligent Part MappingTM
The innovative and unique-to-Relyence Intelligent Part Mapping capability provides an additional mechanism for retrieving component data parameters. Intelligent Part Mapping reviews your Part Description and extracts as much part specific data as possible. Intelligent Part Mapping can be used during data entry as well as during importing. A short list of examples of Descriptions that Intelligent Part Mapping can recognize includes:
- CAP CER 10uF 50V
- IC Logic
- RES Thick Film
- CAP 50 nF
- RCR 5W
- Zener
- CERM 0.2 pF